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12:20:2002 Entry: "Ann : DREAM - Not in character characters"
DREAM - Not in character characters
I was in my house and Stan was sitting on the new futon, but (don't hate me Stan!) he was like a hybrid of himself and this female person I used to know. He was acting really bitchily and either telling me to go to hell or fuck off or something...VERY UN-STAN. There were also other people in our house, one of which was XxXx. He had a huge stash of marijuana and was sorting out the seeds. This person is not into drugs, however, it did look quite a bit like him in a very idealized, beautiful gorgeous gorgeous way (not that he isn't naturally attractive...I wouldn't have had this dang off and on crush on him for the past...15 years...if he was ugly, but in the dream he was just quite stunning). Anyway, I let him sort out the seeds, but then I go to sleep. When I wake up, the only thing I could find left of the marijuana was a stack of pink sugar (the color of pink was like those saccharine sweetener packets at restaurants), which was supposed to be the biproduct of the smoked weed. I asked XxXx about it, and he said he smoked it all. I was able to find some left over pot, and put it in this very strangely shaped pipe which looked like a nutcracker (one of those wooden ones with a cup and twisty handle) and I smoked it, but I wasn't getting a hit off of it or anything. Just a very strange, out of character dream. I'm not into smoking pot, but maybe I thought it would get rid of this damn headache. Heh.
But it probably would. Help for your headache. It's like a damn fun and comfortable painkiller really ;)
And if that headache of yours don't get better you should call a doctor. Maybe it's the siniuses or whatever it's called. Do you drink enough water? Is it too hot in your bedroom? (now I'm thinking about the temperature and not what you and Stan might be doing in there ;)
Posted by Nico @ 09:20:2002:05:18 AM CST
And high bloodpreassure gives headache too. You need to have your bloodpreassure checked now and then if you use birthcontrol pills.
Posted by Dr. Nico @ 09:20:2002:05:19 AM CST
My headache went away yesterday. Actually I've never liked pot. It does not relax me and it's not pleasureable to me, but then again, I react adversely to things that are supposed to make one better or feel good. I'd prefer codeine. Mmmmm....codeine.
My blood pressure is average. Sometimes it's a little on the high side of average, but sometimes it's on the low side of average.
I really do think it was a lot of sinus pressure from the virus/flu/cold/allergy thing I had.
Posted by Ann @ 09:20:2002:09:14 AM CST