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04:17:2005 Entry: "Ann : Travelling DREAM"
Travelling DREAM
Stan and I were travelling. The sun was setting in the south. We were travelling northeast, up toward Canada. I was plotting our trip on a map. We were either travelling up the shoreline of Lake Michigan, up to the UP, but maybe it was the east coast toward Maine, I don't know. I wanted to be on the northshore of the lake as the sun was setting over it so I could take pictures, but for some reason we were getting a late start and I was afraid it would be too dark by the time we got to the spot where I wanted to take pictures. I also dreamt we were in an airport...friends and reltives were there. And we were travelling in some sort of vehicle or vessel, the side of the road was scattered with dead traincar carcasses, some mangled, all abandonned.
Traincarcasses. I should've made that word a combo.
Posted by Ann @ 04:17:2005:02:53 PM CST
By Ann @ 02:51 PM CST:04:17:05 ..::Link::..
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