Tuesday, January 4, 2005
DREAMs past nights
I dreamt Stan and I were somewhere where they had pigs. They weren't Vietnamese Potbelly, but they weren't your standard pink farm hogs either. They were black, and there was a sow and her piglet. The piglet was crawling in our laps and the sow was excited because she wanted her baby back and was sort of worried about him. They were acting like dogs, actually, and I was remarking how much the pigs reminded me of Lucifer Sam...very Pug-like. Last night I had a weird dream about our old apartment on Mulberry. It was quite a bit larger and comprised several levels. I remarked to Stan that if it was in New York, it would be about a million dollar apartment.
Posted by Ann on 01/04/05@10:28 AM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
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