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Saturday, March 6, 2004

March 7th

This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the seventh day of March.

Listening to WISH YOU WERE HERE by the 7th path and according to the planet Venus represents the the elemental Seven cards, and these are the sounds of victory on the paths of the soul. The color green, the brilliant mind being manifested and comprehended in the harmony of love and zeal. The lamp light of feelings and instincts that produce all the arts and sciences of the group mind. When thinking of the Seven cards meditate on these lyrics: 'You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.'

Posted by Stan on 03/06/04@09:03 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?

Why is it...

...when you buy jeans that fit well, they always shrink too much. When you buy jeans that are a little loose (in anticipation of them shrinking in the dryer), they don't shrink, leaving gapaciousness around your stomach and crotch area?


Posted by Ann on 03/06/04@03:22 PM CST ..::Link::..A Whisper Inside.

Friday, March 5, 2004

March 6th

This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the sixth day of March.

Listening to DARK SIDE OF THE MOON by the 6th path and according to the Sphere of the Sun represents the elemental Six and the Prince cards, and these are the sounds of beauty on the paths of the soul. The color yellow, the radiating light of the vision of the harmony of all things that come into being and perish. The sacrificed heaven of the higher consciousness, where in its death and rebirth healing and redemption become realized in the material world. When thinking of the Six and Prince cards meditate on these lyrics: 'Far away across the field the tolling of the iron bell calls the faithful to their knees to hear the softly spoken magic spells.'

Posted by Stan on 03/05/04@09:05 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?

Thursday, March 4, 2004

March 5th

This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the fifth day of March.

Listening to MEDDLE by the 5th path and according to the planet Mars represents the elemental Five cards, and these are the sounds of severity on the paths of the soul. The color red, the flashing light of the destroyer flame that consumes everything in the wrath and terror of the storm which removes being from all material things. When thinking of the Five cards meditate on these lyrics: 'Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd, smiling merciless the magistrate turns round, frowning and who's the fool who wears the crown?'

Posted by Stan on 03/04/04@04:22 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

March 4th

This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the forth day of March.

Listening to ATOM HEART MOTHER by the 4th path and according to the planet Jupiter representing the elemental Four cards, and these are the sounds of mercy on the paths of the soul. The color blue, the images that glisten with the pure and primitive light that shines from the forms and creating the being of all material things. When thinking of the Four cards meditate on these lyrics: '...if you sit down don't make a sound...'

Posted by Stan on 03/03/04@05:23 PM CST ..::Link::..2 Screamers.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004

March 3rd

This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the third day of March.

Listening to UMMAGUMMA by the 3rd path and according to the planet Saturn represents the elemental Three and the Queen cards, and these are the sounds of understanding on the paths of the soul. The color black, the thick darkness of the Supernal Mother where the mystery and depth of silence gives birth to all things in existence. The Great Sea of being which is both sterile and fertile an once in causing the creation of all things in the materal world. When thinking of the Three and Queen cards meditate on these lyrics: 'Weary stranger's faces show their sympathy. They've seen that hope before - throw your thoughts back many years to the time when love was life with every morning.'

Posted by Stan on 03/02/04@08:40 PM CST ..::Link::..2 Screamers.

No Backdrops

I just got a flash. So many people are like tourists. You know how tourists always say, "It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there?" That's how so many people are, just visiting, not really living.

I've seen the episode of Seinfeld I watched last night many times before, I think it was called "The Checks." A side plot was that Elaine's boyfriend was obsessed with the song, "Desparado." Elaine was trying to find a song that could be "their" song, but it was like she was pretty clueless as she really didn't have a favorite song herself. So many people are like Elaine in that regard, liking music but not really being "into" it. To them, music is like a coffee table...something you have, easily replaceable, serves a purpose, but why would you really LOVE a coffeetable? Art,'s all something for a backdrop, not much thought...sounds nice, looks good.

In my early years in college, a boyfriend told me he never met anyone like me who was so into music. I didn't even think I was THAT into music as compared to an actual musician. But I guess passion eludes some people.

To some people jewelry is an adornment to make them look more attractive, or an investment that will appreciate over the years. I really don't have anything except semi-precious stones, but I take them out and look at them. They're all beautiful little things, the stones. They have their own personalities and I get attached to them. I could care less if it makes me look prettier, or if it will appreciate in value. That's not the reason why I have them.

In those home and garden makeover shows on TV, have you noticed how none of the homes have much as far as plants? Maybe a fake one, maybe some cut flowers, but nothing looks anywhere close to the jungles and deserts I live with. To them, a plant is not a living thing to be taken care of, it's a backdrop.

I cannot live on a stage set with fake this and that and backdrops. I don't know why so many people do.

Posted by Ann on 03/02/04@12:41 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?

Monday, March 1, 2004


This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the second day of March.

Listening to A SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS by the 2nd path represents the elemental Two and the King cards, and these are the sounds of wisdom on the paths of the soul. The color Grey, the starry heaven of the Supernal Father where the forms of all things in the corporeal world arise and perish. When thinking of the Two and King cards meditate on these lyrics: 'Sing a song that can't be sung, without the morning's kiss. Queen you shall be, if you wish, look for your king.'

Posted by Stan on 03/01/04@08:18 PM CST ..::Link::..9 Screamers.

Sunday, February 29, 2004


This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the first day of March.

Listening to THE PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN by the 1st path and according to the infinite point of the source of all things. These beginings are represented by the elemental Ace cards, and these are the sounds of the crown of all paths of the soul. This is the most intense color of white, and the divine white brilliance of the crown conceals and reveals the source of all things. More brilliant then the sun is the source of that place from where the soul comes, and to which the immortal soul shall return. Here the listener can meditate on the source of energy from the Infinite Unmanifest of all that is, and the breath of that which is not. When thinking of the Ace cards meditate on these lyrics: 'Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania. Neptune, Titan, Stars can frighten'

Posted by Stan on 02/29/04@07:20 PM CST ..::Link::..2 Screamers.
By Stan @ 09:03 PM CST:03:06:04 ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?