Saturday, March 20, 2004
March 21st
This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the twenty-first day of March.
Listening to OBSCURED BY CLOUDS by the 22nd path and according to the sign Libra, which is the 11th key and represents the Justice card.
Hear the sound F sharp and see the color emerald green. Here the soul encounters the Daughter of the Rule and Balance of Truth who is the faithful intelligence, because all living beings in the material world live beneath the shadow of this intellect. This shadow abides without fail above all living things. All immortal knowledge which the soul may have thought it had lost in the material world is revealed again, and even the most seemingly mundane parts of the soul's understanding have profound significance on this path. The worldly ethical questions of right, wrong, bad, or good are all brought back into balance by the Daughter of the Rule and Balance of Truth. Ethical and moral questions, which seemed so important to the soul while it was incarnate in animal form now all appear like a collection of misguided misconceptions. All of the illusions produced by the misguided ideas of human morality are destroyed on this path. The concerns of invented human wisdom in the material world no longer have the power to deceive the soul which crosses on this path. When thinking of the Justice card meditate on these lyrics: 'Ancient bonds are breaking, moving on and changing sides. Dreaming of a new day, cast aside the other way, magic visions stirring, kindled by the burning flames rising in her eyes.'
Posted by Stan on 03/20/04@05:03 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Friday, March 19, 2004
March 20th
This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the twentieth day of March.
Listening to BARRETT by the 23rd path, which is the 12th key and represents the Hanged Man card.
Hear the sound G sharp and see the color deep blue. Here the soul encounters the Spirit of the Mighty Waters who is the stable intelligence because it is the beauty of consistency in all numeration. On this path the soul is baptized in the consciousness of the astral realm and reemerges with the true understanding of the nature of numerical realities. Eventually the soul will clearly recognize that all things in the material world are in existence because of numeration and number. The appearance of the material world is finally understood, by the soul, as having its being merely as shadows of mathematical principles. Recognizing numeration is a purification of the souls understanding, because it may have mistaken material things as being more real than eternal mathematical realities. The soul's knowledge has been scattered among the desires of its incarnate animal life while living in the material world. On this path the soul's knowledge is recollected and restored to it's true place with the help of the Spirit of the Mighty Waters. When thinking of the Hanged Man card meditate on these lyrics: 'It's an idea someday in my tears my dreams. Don't you want to see her prove a life that comes with no harm? and I and dominos - a day goes by....'
Posted by Stan on 03/19/04@08:10 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Thursday, March 18, 2004
March 19th
This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the nineteenth day of March.
Listening to DARK SIDE OF THE MOON by the 24th path and according to the sign Scorpio, which is the 13th key and represents the Death card.
Hear the sound G natural and see the color greenish blue. Here the soul encounters the Child of the Great Transformations who is the imaginative intelligence because it provides harmonious elegance in all likeness and similitude between the astral and the material world. The soul's desire for the continuous condition of sensory change that it experiences in the material world is removed in this path. On this path the soul is able to understand the true original natures of pleasure and pain, and the with the soul's understanding transformed it looses interest in returning to the material world even for the things which it once enjoyed there. The transformation of deception into truth is the souls path to understanding all of its desires to have been incarnate in animal form in the first place. The soul is purified by this transformation of illusions into truths, and these changes are like deaths aided by the Child of the Great Transformations. Eventually the soul emerges form this path of death newly disinterested in ever returning to an incarnate form again, and this helps the soul to continue on its journey through the remaining paths. The death of illusion is never easy and the path of truth can seem like being in darkness at noon. When thinking of the Death card meditate on these lyrics: 'All that is now, all that is gone, all that's to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.'
Posted by Stan on 03/18/04@07:31 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
March 18th
This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the eighteenth day of March.
Listening to WISH YOU WERE HERE by the 25th path and according to sign Sagittarius, which is the 14th key and represents the Temperance card.
Hear the sound G sharp and see the color blue. Here the soul encounters the Daughter who Brings all Souls Into and Out of the Material World who is the tentative intelligence of probation, because it is the primary temptation by which heaven tries every soul that enters the material world. It appears as a long tunnel of darkness with a great light at its end, to people who are near death. This is the last outpost of contact that the temporal mortal personality has with the eternal nature of the soul. On the path of the Daughter who Brings all Souls Into and Out of the Material World the soul is released form the blindness caused by the divine rage. Through this path the soul's desire to taste divine rage is unveiled in it's true form, and that is of the twin desires for birth and death. The divine rage, or desire for birth and death will perish as the soul moves farther away from the material world of joy and sorrow. The soul's desire to be born and to die are opposites, but they are the alchemical water and fire of forgetfulness that helped allow the soul to occupy the time and space of the material world. Only by consuming the fire/water of forgetfulness can the soul even ever enter the material world as a living being. Sometimes this alchemical mixture of desires is called the waters of life, and in life the soul perceives this as a kind of divine anger. By passing through the path of Temperance the soul relieves itself of the water of life in order to fully recover the full power of it's waking spiritual intelligence. When thinking of the Temperance card meditate on these lyrics: 'What did you dream? It's all right we told you what to dream.'
Posted by Stan on 03/17/04@05:10 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
March 17th
This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the seventeenth day of March.
Listening to ANIMALS by the 26th path and according to the sign Capricorn, which is the 15th key and represents The Devil card.
Hear the sound A natural and see the color indigo. Here the soul encounters the Child of the Forces of Time who is the renovating intelligence which renews all of creation by constantly recreating the cosmos. Here is the beginning of the soul's understanding which is beyond the ability of earthly languages to express. This path marks the beginnings of true waking spiritual consciousness. Here the soul can completely release itself from all resentment for sorrows by clearly understanding the divine desire for the soul to make it's return journey into the afterlife. This divine desire turns the eyes of the soul inside out and upside down. When the soul was incarnate in animal form it was forced to see all things through the lens of the body, which turns the truth of existence inside out and upside down. In the presence of the Child of the Furnace of Time the soul no longer sees the material world from an upside down and inside out vantage point, which was necessary while the soul was in animal form. The Child of the Forces of Time's view is only delusional from a soul's point of view while it is in incarnet form, thus crossing this path part of the soul's true understanding is restored. When thinking of The Devil card meditate on these lyrics: 'got to admit I'm a little bit confused'
Posted by Stan on 03/16/04@08:38 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Monday, March 15, 2004
March 16th
This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the sixteenth day of March.
Listening to MEDDLE by the 27th path and according to the planet Mars, which is the 16th key and represents The Tower card.
Hear the sound C natural and see the color scarlet. Here the soul encounters the Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty who is the activating intelligence which gives the power of motion to all things which have their being in the material world. Here the soul encounters a great darkness in an opening where the speech of the language of heaven flows out of with terrifying forces. The desolation the soul encounters is the sudden destruction of all self concepts of spiritual narcissism, and through this passage everything which has tied the soul to the material world is vanquished. The destruction of any beliefs that we have a personal will, and it is a painfully overwhelming process of enlightening insight. The soul is freed from all illusions of the existence of a personal free will, as they are suddenly swept back to dissolve again into the material world, from where they arose. This is the destruction of the primal illusion with two sides, the will to live and die. This two sided deception preys upon the soul's desires which helped allow the soul to be incarnate in the worlds of living creatures. When thinking of The Tower card meditate on these lyrics: 'Behold the dream, the dream is gone. green fields, a cold rain is falling, in a golden dawn.'
Posted by Stan on 03/15/04@06:28 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Sunday, March 14, 2004
March 15th, Ides
This work called, Cabalistic Pink Floyd Tarot is written to honor the fifteenth day of March.
Listening to THE WALL by the 28th path and according to the sign Aquarius, which is the 17th key and represents The Star card.
Hear the sound A sharp and see the color violet. Here the soul encounters the Daughter of Heaven and Dweller Between the Waters who draw souls out of the dark waters of the living and into the presence of the natural intelligence. Here the soul encounters the streams of the natural intelligence of imagination. Their waters flow with the powers of unending change and are filled with unending varieties of thought by the endlessly mutating effects of universal sea of imagination. On it's journey through the afterlife the soul will recognize the endless universal sea and all of those beings who dwell on its threshold as a merging of many lights that shine from an exhaled central point. The Daughters of Heaven use the exhaled light to burn away any impurities that remain in the soul left behind from the earthly ambitions and hopeful aspirations the soul held on to during it's stay in the living realm. When thinking of The Star card meditate on these lyrics: 'Remember how she said that we would meet again some sunny day?'