Thursday, April 7, 2005
Today, I was reminded of this post I made almost 3 years ago:
Mating Practices of the Common House Sparrow "Hey Sexy, I got the floorboards right here," "Oooh, bring it on, you know what I like."
Posted by Ann on 04/07/05@10:29 AM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
My Dog Day Afternoon
Warning...impacted anal gland story ahead: might be gross to some people. Be prepared.
Posted by Ann on 04/07/05@09:17 AM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
I find it all very disturbing
All Dead Pope, All The Time; 24-Hour Catholic-TV news channels 15-hour wait for millions to file past an unembalmed corpse. This is the world of my dad, live on TV. I never thought I'd see it happen. When I was young, I thought the world would get progressively more and more liberal to the point I'd feel like an old fogey. Now I feel like an old fogey because the world got progressively (or regressively as the case may be) more and more conservative. Reactionary is in. It's hip to be a churchmouse. Whatever happened to the ideals of the 60s and 70s? Whatever happened to people thinking for themselves and not having to be told what to think? Now do they not only want to make banning gay marriage an Amendment, they want to ban all civil unions as well! Something went wrong at some point in time. I'm not sure what it was, but I hope someone can fix it again.
Posted by Ann on 04/06/05@10:50 AM CST ..::Link::..5 Screamers.
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