Saturday, October 12, 2002
DREAM - waiting in line
Stan and I were driving somewhere and kept ending up behind a long line of cars waiting to turn. Then it was like the cars disappeared, but the people in the cars were still waiting in line. They were all high school/jr. high school age girls. Some I recognized from when I was that age. Then someone in the line noticed that there was another line we could get into that wasn't as long, so we got into that line, keeping our previous places, i.e., the people who were at the end of the line stayed at the end of the line in the new line. There was one prissass that I remember from high school who saw me getting into the new line, and thought I was getting ahead of other people and told me not to barge ahead. I told her I was keeping my place and to get out of my business or fuck off or something. I was really mad at her and was giving her dirty looks. Then for some reason, I allowed some young girls, like 12 years old or so, to cut my hair and they made a total crooked mess of it.
Posted by Ann on 10/12/02@10:08 AM CST ..::Link::..
Thursday, October 10, 2002
DREAM - Bleachers
I was with a very large group of people in what appeared to be a school gymnasium. I think we were standing on bleachers; I was in the top/back row. There were some people, high school age I guess, wearing purple and asking me and the other people I was with questions that were really obnoxious and that I didn't have an answer to, as I was just a visitor there and didn't know what to say. This caused some disruption and fighting, and the bleachers started to fall down, starting with the lowest row and working its way up toward the top. The people in the row in front of me were trying not to fall, but the row of people I was in was mad at them, so they pushed them over. It was extremely frightening, as people were dying as the rows of bleachers fell and people were crushed. The row of bleachers I was on was the only row that didn't fall. I started to leave the building, and thought that I better call 911 on my cellphone, but I noticed someone else doing it, so I didn't. I then headed home, as I didn't want to be around when the police came.
Posted by Ann on 10/10/02@09:38 AM CST ..::Link::..
Wednesday, October 9, 2002
DREAM - train tracks
I was somewhere by some very strange railroad tracks with a group of people. We were all herded into a room, like we were in school, and the tracks that were in the room were for the train that we had to take. In the room I was in, all the tracks were filled up with stored boxcars, and there weren't any tracks free, so we had to construct new tracks out of disassembled lawn furniture. I saw this as very futile.
Posted by Ann on 10/09/02@12:23 PM CST ..::Link::..
Tuesday, October 8, 2002
DREAM 10.6.02
Stan and I were somewhere with Bill, at which point I start saying something to Stan like, "don't you have to go take care of something?" implying he should leave Bill and I alone. I then start trying to confess to Bill what I've been keeping secret from him for all these years, but I don't think I tell him everything before I go on to the other part of the dream. In that part, I was at a New Year's Eve party with some 20-something Hollywood one I knew. We were all in a very lavish pool with exquisite architecture and decorations. I was doing sommersaults in the water. I got bored and left and began to walk out of the party, and into the garden. There were a bunch of low-growing shrub bushes and rocks, and running between them were these strange creatures with shrubbery on their backs. It's as if the creatures put the shrubbery on their backs to camoflauge themselves. There was a woman in the garden and she showed me one of the creatures. It was like a cross between a marsupial and a large lizard. Underneath the camoflauge of leaves, the animal had purple leathery skin, and a soft underbelly sort of like an armadillo.
It's amazing how dogs know/have a second sense about people. For example, when Bill came by my parent's house last Friday, Plato barked at him initially because he was a stranger to him, or at least he couldn't remember him from last year. After Bill had been in the house for a few minutes, Plato completely accepted him, and wanted to play with him as we were leaving. But he still barks at my dad, even though he's been sharing the house with him since Friday. Sometimes all my dad has to do is stand up, and Plato will bark at him. I think Plato is a very intelligent dog.
Remember this dream? I had a very strange occurrence on Sunday. It was like my dream, reversed, mirrored and manifested in reality. I've always sort of shared a psychic thing with Bill. But as Stan and I were driving in the mountains, Stan was going through our CDs to find something to play, Bill spotted "Piper at the Gates of Dawn," and mentioned he had Syd Barrett's "Madcap Laughs" and that he'll give it to me. Just out of the blue. I never know what to say when people say they'll give me things, whether they mean it or not (usually it's just talk), so I thanked him. When we got back up to his place later in the day I happened to spot "Madcap" and started looking at it, and he said that it was for me. OK, so I wasn't in Bill's former backyard with the crop squares and the cd/book sale, and so it wasn't pre-Pink Floyd Barrett--it was post-, and there was no flexi-disc enclosed, but it was just very strange. I then told Bill about the dream. I didn't tell him about the part where I was trying to seduce him, however. Heh.
DREAM 10.8.02
I was looking at a CD/book of the Velvet Underground. It was like a biography of the band/members. There were pictures of them when they were young. I remember there was a picture of John Cale as a child and he looked like the kid who played the young Oscar Wilde in Velvet Goldmine.
I doubt I will now have the experience of Bill giving me something Velvet-related, and anyway, Bill wasn't even in the dream...The Syd Barrett thing was one of those weird once-in a trip-time experiences. And although a fan of Cale's, Bill can't stand Lou Reed, a point of contention with us, so I'm not sure what he thinks of the VU. Anyway, I'm pretty well set with that part of music history, having acquired all the necessary Velvet music 20 years ago.