Thursday, November 11, 2004
Now I could live with this!
O Canada, we plead to cede to thee I'd have to get a visa to visit my parents, or even to visit Harvey's Greenhouse in Iowa. Hmm....does that mean we wouldn't be able to bring them back into our new country? Well, considering that Canada has some huge factory cactus/succulent greenhouse somewhere, I guess that wouldn't be too much of a problem.
Posted by Ann on 11/11/04@11:31 AM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
One Bright Spot?
Ashcroft is resigning. He truly frightened me. Unfortunately, there is a rumour that Orin Hatch will make supreme court justice. And they worried that the Catholic Church would run the country back in the early 60s? Ha! Better study up on the book Mormon. Good news for you horndogs out there, I guess bigamy would become legit.
Posted by Ann on 11/10/04@10:33 AM CST ..::Link::..A Whisper Inside.
Monday, November 8, 2004
Voter IQ
Chart that shows IQ by state and who they voted for. I'm a bit bummed that Wisconsin is the third stupidest Kerry to speak. I thought we had a good education system here. Must be all the cheddar clogging up the heads. But still..interesting stuff. I notice Minnesota is above average. (Garrison Keilor reference) Overall, doesn't the U.S.'s average IQ seem a bit low?
Posted by Ann on 11/08/04@01:30 PM CST ..::Link::..3 Screamers.
Sunday, November 7, 2004
Burning Man
Upon searching for info on the now famous UK's Daily Mirror headline, ("How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?") I googled the keywords: "how can people be so dumb bush" (I wanted to find the exact number of dumbness, i.e., 59,054,087) and found this delightfully hilarious blog entry. What is really freaky is that if you cut off about 1/3 of the right side, making the image square, it bears an uncanny resemblence to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here.
Posted by Ann on 11/07/04@10:36 AM CST ..::Link::..2 Screamers.
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