

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Something that's been nagging at me for a while now was whether there actually are smoothing companies ala Kruger Industrial Smoothing. I finally decided to (or was it finally remembered to...I forgot) do a google on "industrial smoothing companies" which didn't bring up any one such "smoothing company." However, a search on the one and only "Kruger Industrial Smoothing" brought up something of interest. It's not *quite* linkworthy due to its disapppointing quantity of missing images and 404 pages, but the pictures and pages that do exist are worth it, and in a way, one could say that the poor webmanship of the missing content could actually be part of the act. Especially take note of George Costanza's mission statement under the "who we are" link...sounds like some of those phake college essays Stan and I used to write.

Kruger Industrial Smoothing Website

Posted by Ann on 11/18/04@09:13 PM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My Own Personal Top Ten Reasons Why Not to Move to Canada

10 That's what THEY want: They want all us liberal-minded folk to get the hell outta Dodge, love it or leave it. I don't want to play into that close-minded rhetoric. Love it or leave it? What about help change it? I have just as much right to stay in this country as they do. It may be the land of the free, but no one has the freedom to tell someone else who was born here to leave....that's fascist!

9 Russ Feingold and Tammy Baldwin: There may be a toddler in the White House, but my district in Wisconsin is represented by good people.

8 My Neighbors: We have nice neighbors and they're all going through the same post-election depression that I am. Despite the dead man found behind our garage this past summer, this is a great neighborhood and I'd really miss it.

7 Cold: Yeah, I know, Vancouver has beautiful weather. Well, everyone and his cousin is moving to Vancouver, what does that leave for the rest of us who can't afford the premium amenities Vancouver has to offer? Moosejaw, Saskatchewan? Region 4 winters are bad enough here...I'm not ready for Region 2....or 1.

6 Stan's job: Hey Canada, you got jobs for cooks that pay as well as his current job? Need another cook? I didn't think so. Me, on the other hand, can practically work anywhere. Hey Canada, need another self-employed artist? I didn't think so either.

5 Vacations: Driving 1000 miles one way to visit friends and family in Colorado is long enough, but if we were in Canada...it would be much longer. We also wouldn't be able to bring back the incredible cactus and succulent finds that we get in Colorado greenhouses, let alone the cacti we got from Bill's mountainside.

4 Our living green things: With an established plant collection both inside and out, we'd literally have to give up years and years and thousands of dollars worth of collecting and establishing our indoor and outdoor gardens. Although I haven't researched it thoroughly, I suspect that we would not be able to bring our houseplants with us.

3 Our house: I love our house and can't imagine being able to afford something as nice ANYWHERE with property prices rising all the time. So we sell it and the peasly amount we would get for it (that doesn't go back to the bank) wouldn't buy much outside the US with the shrinking US dollar.

2 I just don't want to move anymore: I moved about three times when I was a baby that I couldn't even remember. I was uprooted 4 times to move before I was a teenager, 3 of those times were cross country. I moved countless times in my 20s trying to find the right rental. I moved cross country again before I was 30. I just want to stay in one place, and I have, for the past 14 years. I hate moving.

1 I'm waiting for a miracle for Canada to appropriate US!

Posted by Ann on 11/16/04@10:22 AM CST ..::Link::..5 Screamers.

DREAM with Cloud Mass and House

I was in the upstairs of our house in the sitting room where my studio used to be. It was somehow expanded further out toward the front, although the architecture still looked old, possibly even older than it is now (nearly 100 years). There was an incredible cloud outside the window...not just fog, but a dimensional shelf-like cloud that looked like it would collide with our house. The cloud looked like it was made up of layers of fiberglas insulation, and you could see into the interior that was more soft and cottony, and the outsides were "harder." I think Stan was upstairs with me watching the cloud move in toward our house. As it got really close, we got close to the window to see if it would actually hit the house. It hit the northern corner of the upstairs first, and we actually felt a jolt, as if a solid mass had hit the house rather than just gaseous vapor. We also sensed that the part of the house that was added on to (which in the dream would be the front area) separated from the original part of the house. It was most frightening.

Later in the dream, I was sitting downstairs. My house looked different, much more older and Victorian. We were packing, and I'm not sure if it was because we were moving (concurrently, on WPR they had a program about The Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Move to Canada and perhaps that infiltrated my dream a bit so that I thought we were moving) or if in fact we didn't live there and we were visiting and were packing to go home. I suspect the latter, because there was a very strange piece of furniture in the hallway that was a chair but it contained a secret drawer in its arm. I was nosing around in the drawer and found something that I think belonged to Stan's (adopted) mom that I found hilarious. Then it was as if my mom was there and I wanted to show Stan the weird thing I found, but I didn't want my mom to think that I was nosing around in someone else's drawer.

Posted by Ann on 11/16/04@09:20 AM CST ..::Link::..2 Screamers.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Windowsill Cactus

Stan's cactus site is live today! I did the graphic and design, and he did everything else...photos, text, and all the hard work involved in growing and caring for these wonderful little plants. Visit it at WindowsillCactus.com!

Posted by Ann on 11/14/04@09:36 AM CST ..::Link::..4 Screamers.
By Ann @ 09:13 PM CST:11:18:04 ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?

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November 2004



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