Monday, December 13, 2004
DREAM with Whiskey and Helicopters (long nail bad typing project #2)
I was in a class...I was my age, but it was like in high school. I don't know what kind of class, but it was taught by a woman who seemed rather athletic, so maybe it was PE. She was around my age, and we were entering a building that was made with lots of aluminum, sort of like a greenhouse. She shows us a refrigerator and tells us that we can take a beer. I open the refrigerator and have a hard time finding a beer because everything looks like soft drinks. Then I find something, but it seems more like hard liquor, like a small bottle of whiskey. I'm walking on very strange steps that are made of aluminum or steel mesh, and it's moving as I'm walking, like some sort of strange circus ride. Then I realize I'm drinking hard liquor in a high school and isn't that illegal? I spill some of the liquor and it falls on the people below me under the stairs. I see police in the building and I'm afraid that theyll bust me. Then I hear helicopters and I look up at the sky and see one carryng some sort of geurney, like the kind of geurneys that helicopters carry tthat hang in the air to put people or bodies in. It's circlng overhead, and someow I'm not i the school anymore, but standing n the median by my parent's house. I'm with some friends I knew in hgh school, and we're wtching the helicopter land, which is ony a couple blocks away. Tjen we run toard it, and oen of my friends says she is worried about her sister because her sister goes to that school (where the helicopter landed). We run to see what's gong on, but only see a firetruck, an there are people milling around sayig everything's ok.
Posted by Ann on 12/13/04@10:00 AM CST ..::Link::..Whisper or Scream?
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